1914 SMLE Mk.III with Lattey sights and Youlten Hyposcope
Not an item directly associated with the S.N.H.,however, the SMLE rifle was the last firearm issued to the S.N.H. before the regiment converted to an artillery unit. The SMLE was first issued to the regiment in 1909, and used by them throughout WW1. The SMLE was first introduced in 1903. Basically a combination of the army's infantry rifle, and cavalry carbine, the Magazine Lee Enfield ,and the Carbine Magazine Lee Enfield.With minor improvements, most notably the introduction of a charger bridge for five round clips, the SMLE became its most familiar form in 1907, the Mk.III This example made by B.S.A. in 1914 shows the early features of the 1907 SMLE Mk.III, the rifle which the B.E.F. went to war with in 1914. A single round cut-off for the magazine. An adjustment wheel for the rear sight leaf. Milled sides to the rear sight protector. To the left hand side of the rifle,and a pair of flip up long range volley sights with a dial for the front sight. In...